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दोपहर की बौनी परछाइयाँ

प्रात: की प्रथम किरण से भेष पाकर, ओज की प्रथम छुअन से प्राण लाकर, जिस परछाई ने मुझमें प्रवेश किया था, एक मध्याह्न की तेज़ धूप ने उसे एक पल में, जला कर भस्म कर दिया था | अब वो लंबी उदार परछाइयाँ तो याद नहीं पड़ती, जो कभी आगे-आगे मार्गदर्शक बन कर चलती थीं, पर वो दोपहर की बौनी परछाइयाँ,  जो मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर साथ चलती थी, बातें किया करती थीं, बहुत याद आती हैं | सायं कल के डूबते सूरज से प्रश्न तो नहीं कर सकता, पर उन बिछुड़ती, दूर चली जाती -  लंबी ओझल होती परछाइयों को, एक अर्सा और ठहरने का आग्रह तो कर ही सकता हूँ | कुछ क्षण अगर वह मुझसे दूर ही सही पर ठहर जाती, तो इस निस्तब्ध अकेली रात्रि का मोल, उसकी आन कुछ कम हो जाती क्या?
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An ode to tears

 Life death and the many trivialities in between  mere statistics, we choose to laugh, for tears, tears they are precious, not to be spent,  not to be spent on trivialities - mere perils, the perils of ordinary existence, don't deserve - the pearls of sorrow,  twinkling gems of defeat, the trickling nectar of despair,  melodies of silence, mere perils of life don't deserve these precious tears. We choose to laugh when tears betray us,  not for we rejoice, but for tears are precious. When the face of death lies on our doorstep, not to receive us but a part of us, we must then, and only then pay our debts, our veneration -  with our most beloved, our most precious tears. But aren't they companions, those ordinary tears -  that unlike the frugal laughs of harrowing emptiness, are like a benevolent ocean, a friend in loneliness, a charm for the heaving soul, that fills it not with hopes - the hollow hopes of better times, but with reminiscences, of th...

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Life death and the sleepless interstices within, long peaceful nights of wonder; restive isolation. The void engulfs all that lies in it; no - all that it is, like sparkling rain drops that create small waves, small waves that meet, hop, and then make way, for stillness of the lake - deep blue it rests, perseveres. The vignettes that the clouds paint, myths and mist mingle, ally, cry, make merry, and then give way, to the lingering sky - its deep blue drapes, curtains.

An Ode to Jon

" Jon the Lord" of our quantum gang, the finest BS detector since the Big Bang. May we be audience to many more of your tales, Tales of "gremlins" and "English - Von Neumann" Tales of "demons" and the "theft of Shannon". Be wary before you bet our ship's Captain Kirk, On "Supremacy" or topological computers that won't work, Before Neven came Dowling and Jon shall beat John, for on all matters that are "QUBIT" he is the big Don. Your warmth and wisdom keeps us on the run, without the pun-master where is the fun? In this new family far-far away from home, Under your caring shadow newer terrains we roam. With hope that our journey has just seen its dawn, We wish you a very Happy Birthday Dear Jon . Thanks, Stav This was dedicated to Prof. Jonathan Dowling on his 65th birthday, never realizing that it would be my first and last tribute to him in life. Guardian and father figure to many students like me. In hi...


They warm the heart and dampen the eyes, the unexpected joy, a fresh gush of wind. They fill the soul and let free the mind, the sight of a friend, a gift of new bloom. Stories of a helping hand not bargained for, of glimmering lights on a dark tumultuous path, of friendly faces when in a terrible scuffle, in lands unknown and times unforeseen. I crave for miracles, and yes they do happen. They warm the heart and dampen the eyes, the heart recognizes them, as old friends, but oft they are mysteries to the mind. A new breath of life from the jaws of death, the disappearing footprints, of a Samaritan, yes strangers to the mind, but miracles, they are old friends to the yearn of the soul. The tiring stride of a broken man, seldom finds a kind shoulder to lean on. The bleeding conscience of a guilty soul, seldom finds a consoling ear to confide in. but yet when they do, the heart is drenched, and the soul greets its old companions, and yes miracles do happen.

Citizenship Amendment Act and the NRC: An exception and a long standing policy

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